Wednesday 16 June 2010

A chat with a Free Miner in the Forest of Dean

By: Anne Bartlett the Gloucestershire Tour Guide
Today I was delighted to meet Forest of Dean Free Miner and tremendous character - Dave Harvey. Here he is standing beside a chainsaw sculpture that depicts a catastrophic event in his life:

Dave was working in the Northern United Colliery, deep below ground when the mine roof caved in, trapping his legs - as you see in the picture. He was rescued from the collapsing tunnel by fellow miner Phil Bennett who grabbed Dave under the arms and pulled him away from danger.

The chainsaw sculpture can be seen at the Dean Heritage centre, Camp Mill, Soudley, Glos. I can't guarantee that Dave will be standing alongside it, but his poem "Big Phil Bennett" who saved his life, is printed on a board to the side of the sculpture. Its a very moving tribute to a very brave man.

The museum sells a CD of Dave's songs and poetry.

For guided group coach tours of the Forest of Dean email

1 comment:

  1. Met Dave Harvey 2wks ago in a car bootsale, We had a good laugh.
